Well, a lot has happened since January! Winter is waning and Spring, we hear, hope, and believe, is soon coming. Loons and cranes and robins have returned. Snow only stays for short spurts, and grass hesitantly puts forth a green hue as it embraces the new slant to the sunshine. This woodpile is now gone, below, also a sign that Spring better hurry up and come!
..My little knitted baby puff manling has never seen a Spring. Isn't he in for a treat!
We've had many travels and adventures this Spring. We visited my Grandma in Morenci, Michigan, went to a lady's Pioneer Woman retreat in Amhurst, and enjoyed fellowship with a dear cousin out near Eau Claire, and new friends in Athens. We've had many mishaps and adventures closer to home as well. Sometimes I thank the Lord that we are all alive, healthy and ready for each new day!
We enjoyed a children's area in an art museum in Wausau.
Everything about it was wonderful. I loved these magnetic puzzles among other things.
And here.....we challenge Winter to a dual of wills....as the roar echoed for (perhaps miles) around of nine big wheel tires hitting rock and dirt covered pavement!
Another highlight for us: Auntie Louise came to visit, laden with fresh berries, boxes of diapers, conditioner, and many other little doo dads I requested. Louise made my kids feel abundantly loved as she played with them, let them take Hurrican on walks, and just showered them with love and attention. After the kiddos went to bed, Louise, Steve, and I were able to laugh together as we watched old episodes of "The Waltons" and just enjoyed chatting late into the night over Steve's deep dish DiGiorno pizza. Fun times. :)
Louise, the older three, and I enjoyed an invigorating Sunday afternoon hike up to the Upper Field.
Anders called Hurrican his "other brother".
Louise and I aren't sure what this is....but it is everywhere, and so pretty.
Speaking of Mr.Anders....he is so funny, and robust, and just changing all the time.
We all made it across except Ellie, who got quite wet. :) (coming home)
Charity girl.
Ellie turns five! (She looks so much like her papa here!)
And...one last photo of my little blue eyed pea and Mama.